How to Care for Your Stylus to Extend Stylus Life and Decrease Record Wear
Clean Your Stylus

A clean stylus protects both your record and your stylus from abrasion damage caused by dirt that has adhered to the stylus tip. LAST Stylus Cleaner chemically cleans the stylus for the ultimate in stylus care. It removes the accumulated deposits and particles that should not be between you and your music. It is completely safe for all styluses and cartridges because it contains no components that can damage the stylus suspension. Whatever tweaks you have in your audio system, follow the recommendation of Sumiko and make sure you care for your stylus with LAST stylus products!
Recommended cleaning frequency: Clean the stylus after the end of playing a succession of records so that you start with a chemically clean stylus the next time you want to play records. Also, clean your stylus anytime you see any visible debris or hear any playback distortion.
Increase Stylus and Record Life with STYLAST Stylus Treatment
LAST STYLAST Stylus Treatment dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface by reducing the surface free energy of the vinyl. STYLAST benefits from the same thermodynamic principles that led to LAST Record Preservative, giving you:
- Stylus life increased up to 10 times.
- Reduced distortion and improved sonic performance
- Increased stylus tracking ability
- Increased stylus suspension life
- Reduced record wear
STYLAST is not a lubricant and leaves no residue. It is effective throughout the entire play of one side of an LP record.
Recommended usage: Take a few seconds to lightly brush STYLAST on your stylus prior to every play.