LAST Stylus Cleaner


LAST Stylus Cleaner safely removes even the toughest deposits. This protects your stylus and records from abrasion damage caused by dirt that has adhered to the stylus tip and eliminates noise and distortion caused by those deposits.


  • .25 fl. oz. / 7 ml  LAST Stylus Cleaner with  in-cap cleaning brush


LAST Stylus Cleaner safely removes accumulated stylus deposits that come from organics, pollution, dust, pets and fingers. A dirty stylus changes music into noise, wears faster, and tracks poorly. To hear your music, not your dust, and to extend the life of your cartridge, keep it clean. Use before each play or whenever you hear noise or distortion from accumulated contamination. The built-in brush is impossible to lose and effective at safely reaching your stylus. Safe for all cartridge assemblies, and each bottle contains enough formula for hundreds of cleanings.

Praise from Positive Feedback

Nan Pinsuc reviews Stylus Cleaner“Back to the stylus cleaner, the application is simple and satisfying. It’s like painting the finger nail of your tone arm—a few quick but targeted passes with the brush is all you need. Then you dab off the brush to remove any dust or grime it collected and return it to the bottle. Now you’re ready to drop the needle and get grooving.” -Nan Pincus, from Positive Feedback, Issue 130

Instructions for Stylus Cleaner pdf file

Additional information

Weight 2.2 oz
Dimensions 5.85 × 3.125 × 1.375 in

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