How do I clean a record with a Keith Monks machine?

Thank you for your recommendation of how to use your product LAST Power Cleaner on a Keith Monks machine. I will do it according to your advice. Your products are quite useful and can improve the sounds of the records. Thank you.
All the best, M.
In a past life I was an early dealer for Keith Monks Vacuum Record Cleaning Machines in the U.S.  At that time the technology called for flooding the surface of the record with a cleaning solution, then sweeping the wet record surface with a cleaning brush, followed by use of the vacuum head mounted to an arm that moved slowly across the surface of the rotating record.  Using that device required large amounts of cleaning fluid that “pooled” on the surface of the record.
If your Keith Monks uses a vacuum system, I would recommend a slight modification in your procedure.  As you are now doing, I would apply a few drops of Power Cleaner to the surface of the record (using on of the supplied brush/applicators to sweep the solution around the rotating record), then apply some distilled or ultra pure water to the surface.  Use one of the applicators to sweep the surface with the mixed solution, and then switch on the vacuum.  The addition of the distilled water provides more “carrying capacity” for the solution to carry the dissolved contamination, until the solute is carried away by the vacuum process.
In answer to your question, repeated applications of Power Cleaner on a vinyl record cannot cause problems or damage the surface of the vinyl in any way.  What is important, is that all of the solution and associated contamination be completely removed from the surface of the record.
Good Listening, and Best regards,
Walter @ LAST