For over 40 years The LAST Factory has been the most trusted maker of cleaners and preservatives for audio media. Our products clean and preserve records, styli, magnetic tape and CDs/DVDs. LAST preservation fluids provide protection from damage both by wear and deterioration. Combined with LAST Factory cleaners, they provide a complete audio treatment family. The LAST Factory is unique in the industry in providing scientifically-developed record, stylus and tape preservatives. Treat them and keep them forever.
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NEW: The Cassette Hero Tape Applicator – A cool new tool for tape cassettes for that restoration project you resolved to do this year!
Introducing the new Cassette Hero Tape Applicator tool, for quickly applying Tape Preservative to the entire length of those fidgety cassettes! Now our Tape Preservative is not just for reel-to-reel tapes. This gizmo, developed in-house, allows you to easily apply the preservative fluid to the entire tape. The pipette holds the fluid, which slowly drains to the foam swab. The 3D printed mount is specialized to hold everything at just the right angle to gently touch the magnetic tape. Watch it in action on our video. We show two methods to access and wind the magnetic tape to expose the surface to the swab.
For those who like to DIY, we also have the 3D print files for the Cassette Hero. Print it yourself, or order the pre-printed kit which comes with the pipette and swabs and red thumbscrew.
Watch The Cassette Hero Tape Applicator in action
Praise from Respected Audio Professionals and Reviewers
My listening experiences comparing the sonics of a newly treated record to that same record before its  treatment with the LAST Preservative revealed consistent enhancements, ... notably reduced surface noise resulting in a  quieter presentation overall, refining microdynamic clarity and expressiveness. Tone and timbre were presented more vividly. -
E183 The Power of Last's Record Preservative"To remove compacted debris (from the stylus), we recommend LAST cleaning products as the best and safest stylus cleaner available."
"I've been using LAST for more than 25 years now....I unhesitatingly recommend LAST Record Preservative." --Michael Fremer
I trust this product and no, this is not an advertisement. I've been buying from them for years!
I strongly recommend the preservative for records. I think it makes a difference and the records sound better.
While I am on the subject, let me enthusiastically recommend the LAST products. Now that records are rarities, preservation is more important than ever. The LAST products work, and they improve the sound too. This was all covered years ago in TAS. Tam Henderson reviewed LAST enthusiastically in Issue 20 and Dave Wilson verified the improvements from Stylast by measurements in Issue 32. It’s still true, and the LAST people are still here. These are indispensable products for the vinyl listener.
"I really liked it, so, I did not expect to, frankly. I thought, 'we cleaned these records so well, that’s the best sound that you’re going to get', and it just wasn’t the case. So, I am a fan of LAST Record Preservative." -
Video Review by Let's Clean a RecordA very revealing test for LAST is to treat only the first half of a record cut, and then while playing that cut, try to determine where the treated groove section ends, and the untreated portion beings – without looking at the position of the cartridge on the record cut. After trying this simple test and after having heard the effects of LAST on other discs, many audiophiles are able to detect whether a record has been treated with LAST, even though they have never listened to that record before.
"I have been using LAST products since the late 1970’s. The absolute best, and I won’t play any new LP until cleaned and treated." --R. N.
"Thank you for making your wonderful products. I first began using them in college in the ’80’s. I have about 100 albums from that time that are perfectly preserved thanks to you." --D. P.
"Yes, I am a very loyal customer - you guys have earned it! Quite simply no Vinyl gets played until it is Treated"--D. K.
... it is refreshing to see such continued devotion and dedication to delivering affordable and highly effective methods to treat and preserve this remarkable and beloved medium. If you are into vinyl and haven't yet tried these products, in particular, the
Record Preservative, you don't know what you're missing. ... I can tell you that my experience bears out their claims of its ability to reduce noise and distortion on both new and used records. Â From
Positive Feedback Issue 130I've used LAST for thirty years and love it. I've got stickers all over the place, early on stuck to the labels and later on the sleeve. It works. Somehow it smooths things out and makes records last, no pun intended. […] What I hear with LAST is how well it keeps my records pristine. They don't get nearly as noisy after multiple plays.
Oh I like your product! I've used your products since you first went into business. I don't play my 30 year old Dynavector Ruby (DV 23R) cartridge all the time anymore but it has to have 2 or 3 thousand hours on it by now. It still sounds phenomenal and throughout its life I've used Stylast and Last Stylus Cleaner on it.