Cassette Hero Tape Applicator Kit + Trial size Tape Preservative


This kit includes everything in the standard Cassette Hero Tape Applicator Kit, plus a trial size bottle (1/2 oz) of LAST Tape Preservative.

Do you have some imperfect or valuable cassettes you want to rescue or preserve? LAST presents the Cassette Hero, the first tool for applying preservative treatment to cassette tapes. Now tape preservation is not just for reel-to-reel tapes. LAST Tape Preservative lowers head friction, eliminates squeals and extends tape life even in adverse environments. Your tape sounds better today and will sound just as good for decades. It’s quick and easy! Watch the Cassette Hero in action in the demonstration below. You supply the manual winder, or an open-front cassette deck.


  • Pre-printed Plastic Cassette Mount
  • Red Thumbscrew
  • 2 Large Pipettes
  • 2 Large Swabs
  • .5 oz. LAST Tape Preservative, enough to treat at least 10 tape cassettes.
SKU: CHP Category:


For years, reel-to-reel tape users have been benefiting from LAST Tape Preservative to treat SSS (Sticky Shed Syndrome), prevent hydrolysis and extend tape life, but until now there has not been a simple way to apply LAST Tape Preservative to Cassettes. Our Cassette Hero makes this just as easy, maybe easier, for Cassettes. You will need a Cassette tape winder that gives access to the tape surface while winding. It works with manual and powered winders – we made our powered unit by stripping a cheap thrift-store cassette player. You can either download the 3D print file for $5 and print it yourself, or get the printed part and accessories together in our kit.

The Cassette Hero Tape Applicator kit includes our 3D pre-printed mount (the yellow part), a pipette and three swabs. And of course that pretty red thumb screw that holds the swab in place. You will want to watch our video to see how we make it all work. This is a limited production, beta-version 3D printed part. We believe the part will work well for you in your tape winder. Our unconditional money-back guarantee extends to this kit, but if you have problems, contact us first and we can probably talk you through them.

Want to print it yourself with a 3D printer? You can buy the 3D print files for a couple of dollars here.

Most general-use cassettes are fine without treatment. The slower speed and reduced pressure help protect the tape. But if your tape gets lots of plays, sees high humidity, exhibits squeal, or is particularly valuable and worth that extra level of protection, then LAST Tape Preservative is the only answer. With the Cassette Hero and a tape winder, the one-time application is simple.

The Cassette Hero Tape Applicator kit does not come with a cassette rewinder. You can find vintage and new manual rewinders with a google search.

Additional information

Weight 3.2 oz
Dimensions 6 × 1 × 5 in