My LAST bottles froze accidentally. Are they ruined?

Hi Mr Walter! First of all, many thanks for the quality of yours products. I use the all-purpose cleaner, the record preservative and the stylus preservative since 35 years. I made an order last week for a 4 oz bottle of All-Purpose record cleaner,  and during the transportation in my car, my LAST bottles froze. Is that dangerous for the product and it’s efficiency? Same for a 2 oz bottle of preservative liquid, but this one did not freeze.

Best regard and have a nice spring!
L. C.

Dear Mr. C.,

The freezing of LAST All-Purpose record cleaner is not harmful (nor dangerous). Freezing does not change the effectiveness, nor the quality of the cleaner. The All-Purpose cleaner contains extremely pure distilled water. That is why it was able to freeze. The Record Preservative contains no water and will not freeze in normal transport or use conditions.

Thank you for your question.

Good Listening,
Walter Davies