I still have the very first original LAST Power Cleaner for Records, about 1 OZ left in the bottle. I know this was made with CFCs but it is just an amazing cleaner, I used it also for cleaning laser lenses of CD Players.
Now I wondered, could I use it as well to clean the sensor of a digital camera (DSLR)? The sensor is protected by a thin glass in front of it. The usual cleaning with alcohol is just not perfect.
I would greatly appreciate if you could give me an answer. -H.
The original Power Cleaner should work perfectly on the thin glass cover of the camera’s sensor. We suggest using an absolutely clean cotton swab and a trial operation on a thin glass surface (such as a microscope slide) to ensure that there is no residue left by the operation.
Thank you for your question, best regards, Walter Davies
I would like to add some caution to Walter’s comment. He is completely correct, our Power Cleaner (original or today’s formula) is safe and effective on a camera sensor. However, your technique and the cleaning tools you use also have a large impact on your success. Each camera will have differences in the ruggedness of the sensor coatings. If you are collecting cruft from the camera sensor surface, your process should not leave any of that cruft in visible streaks.
We are an audio company. When you are playing with optics, we suggest you exercise extreme care regarding your sensor, its coatings and surrounding electronics. Walter was an experienced and talented large and small format photographer. He generally assumed that everyone knew the quirks of high quality sensitive optics. Keep that in mind if you are thinking of sticking swabs inside your camera!! Indeed, consider checking out Edmunds for proper optics cleaning cloths.
We could simply delete Walter’s comments and sound more cleanly corporate. But Walter had the breadth of experience of a true renaissance man and it is our pleasure to keep his words here for you. He developed the formulas we still sell today, his photographs decorate galleries (and the walls in our factory), and his eclectic taste in music is evident when you step inside the Factory and hear, well, nearly anything.