“I’m afraid I may have damaged a really good record by using tap water to clean it, is there anyway to remove harsh tap water deposits?”  – P.
A satisfactory answer to your question is a function of the availability of Distilled or De-ionized water. A gentle cleaning with a few drops of dish washing detergent dispersed in a soup bowl of luke warm Distilled water, using a very soft, natural bristle brush to apply the soapy solution. This is followed by a rinse of Distilled water. Then drying with a clean, lint free towel to completely remove all of the rinse water. This series of steps, could solubolize the tap water residue, flush it away, and then remove with absorbent towels any water residue.
Numerous users have claimed good results using a vacuum cleaning record cleaner such as a VPI, or Nitty Gritty machine.
You may have to experiment to determine the most effective process.
Sincerely, Walter Davies[While we use lab-quality pure water for all LAST Factory formulas, the distilled water available at your grocery store is actually pretty good and makes a good wash as Walter describes above for getting rid of the minerality of tap water. Once that’s finished, then go back to a routine of wiping with LAST All Purpose Record Cleaner as your daily record cleaning routine and you are in great shape. -Jeff]