I saw an old ad for your solution in an ARSC journal. I’m interested in caring for my cylinders, especially the ‘wax’ ones. Is your solution recommended for this?
Sorry for the email if I have missed any info online, I just couldn’t find any specific references to cylinders.
Thanks and regards, E.A,
Wax cylinders along with Blue Amberol and black shellac cylinders have body characteristics that argues against LAST Record Preservative being used as an effective barrier against wear. That said, we have used, and recommended the use of STYLAST Stylus Treatment on cylinders to reduce wear, reduce surface noise and distortion, and to improve the playback quality and retrieval of music and voice. When used with LP records, STYLAST is just applied to the tip of the playback stylus. In the case of cylinders, STYLAST is applied to the cylinder.Why the different procedure? Cylinders are made using material that is both harder than vinyl, and more brittle than vinyl plastic. The playback stylus/needle has a much larger surface area than that used in LP records, and traces the signal groove with a MUCH higher tracking force. Therefore, use of STYLAST as a surface treatment provides a higher level of benefits and protection than can be achieved with LAST Record Preservative.I hope this information is helpful. If you wish to try STYLAST, when ordering, request the addition of an applicator to be included for use with cylinders. We will include one along with unique instructions.Thank you for your query. Good Luck with your cylinders. Walter
Even if I don’t go for STYLAST it with the cylinders I’ll probably buy some LAST for my LPs to try it out. Thanks so much for your help. E.A.