Will LAST Record Preservative work on colored vinyl records?

Hi Walter! I am interested in using LAST Record Preservative on some records that are not black vinyl. I have colored vinyl records, and others are translucent and one has pictures. They are all recent (in the last 5 years) releases. Is it safe and beneficial to use LAST Record Preservative on these records? Also will LAST Record Preservative discolor, smear, fog or any other way alter the appearance of these records?

Thank you, R. P.

Hello R,

Vinyl as usually used in records has been stained black. Special record releases are frequently available in non-black vinyl. It is safe and beneficial to use LAST Record Preservative on those records. Use of the preservative will not discolor, stain, or fog or alter the appearance of those records.

Good wishes on your project!
Walter and Christine