Should I wash a brand new record album first?

Your vinyl Record Preservative is incredible. It brings a record alive. I have used it for years. I now want to make sure if a couple of things.

Is it ok to wash a brand new record? When I purchase a brand new album, should I wash it with my VPI record washer first, and then perform the Last cleaning and preservative treatment?
And once the preservation has been done,  is it OK to wash the record to remove dust and dirt on it each time I play it, or is that going to destroy my last treatment somehow ?
Thanks for your help. J.S.

Thank you for your testament. 

Yes, we do recommend washing brand new record albums, because they often have residues on them from the pressing process. The VPI record washer is such a fine and effective device that I will suggest the following process:

  1. Clean with the VPI (both sides)
  2. Apply the LAST Record Preservative
  3. For Light cleaning (air borne dust, finger prints, etc.)  use LAST All Purpose Record Cleaner when needed.
  4. For heavy cleaning (if needed), clean with the VPI.

Once the record has been treated with the Preservative, you can clean with LAST Record Cleaner or the VPI without reducing the effectiveness of the Preservation treatment.  The preservative is absorbed into the surface of the vinyl and is not removed by successive or repeated cleaning operations.  In general, once a record has been deep cleaned and treated with preservative, only light cleaning is (usually) necessary.

Enjoy your collection of music! Regards, Walter Davies