Can I use an empty LAST preservative bottle for other things? Is it toxic? -J.L.

My wife loves collecting bottles for her use in the kitchen. She saw my empty bottle of LAST and immediately wanted to use it. I wanted to check with you guys to see if there is anything toxic in the mixture that should dissuade us from using it (after a thorough cleaning of course.)

Thanks! J.L.

Thank you for your note.  LAST Record Preservative has no components that are toxic, hazardous, carcinogenic, or flammable.  An empty LAST bottle is safe for your wife to use and enjoy in her kitchen.

We hope that she finds continuous use and pleasure from that use.

Thanks for asking, Walter Davies

[Walter’s note is correct that nothing in Record Preservative is toxic, but note that the bottle will still likely have some of the active ingredients coating the interior. On a record, this is absorbed into the vinyl, but glass is not vinyl and the active ingredient does not get absorbed into the bottle. That’s a good thing, which is why we ship our Record Preservative in glass! -Jeff]