Can I mix old and new Record Preservative formulations together?

Vintage bottle of LAST Record PreservativeLAST Record Preservative, 2 oz.I have some LPs that were treated with the first generation of Last Record Preservative (the one that was done with Freon) in the ’80s. Can I retreat those records with the current Last Preservative without any harm? Will it cause bad chemical reactions to the vinyl? Can I mix old and new Record Preservative formulations together?

Many thanks, D.S.

Should it be necessary to retreat your records, there is NO adverse reaction between the first generation Record Preservative and the current product.  The only difference between the two series has to do with the carrier.  The original was Freon TF 113 which was a chlorinated ethane.  The current carrier contains Fluorine and no Chlorine, so it does not have the ozone depleting potential of the previous component.

The two series of preservatives are fully compatible.

Thank you for your query, Walter

[Edit: You can treat your records with new and old formulations, and go back and forth between them. The Preservative is all that is left on the record, since the carrier fluid completely evaporates. But don’t dump the old bottle into the new bottle because we are not sure how the two different carrier fluids will react. Nothing will explode (no drama here!), but they may not mix perfectly, or carry the same ratio of carrier-fluid-to-preservative.  -Christine ]